Vancouver's "City Of Glass" moniker may bring to mind the condo towers that dominate the skyline, but a new design is set to bring glass houses back down to earth — or at least into our laneways.
Gair Williamson Architects have teamed up exclusively with Smallworks to present possibly the prettiest solution to bureaucracy we have seen in a long time: the "Glass Brick 33 Lane House."
The super sleek design tackles the city's new regulations regarding laneway properties on 33-foot lots, creating what Smallworks decribes as "the ultimate in urban modernism."
Check out the new glass design and other laneway houses in Vancouver:
Gair Williamson Architects have teamed up exclusively with Smallworks to present possibly the prettiest solution to bureaucracy we have seen in a long time: the "Glass Brick 33 Lane House."
The super sleek design tackles the city's new regulations regarding laneway properties on 33-foot lots, creating what Smallworks decribes as "the ultimate in urban modernism."
Check out the new glass design and other laneway houses in Vancouver:
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